Goodness and Love Flexcover Journal - Psalm 23:6

  • 9781642726190 EAN
  • JL 535 Produktnummer
  • CAG Leverandør
  • Stk Format
  • 2021 Produksjonsår
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Goodness and Love Flexcover Journal - Psalm 23:6
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The Goodness and Love Flexcover Journal is a testimony of the undeserving grace God pours out on our lives. He promises these gifts not because of our virtue but in spite of it! Use the Goodness and Love Flexcover Journal for notes to gain a right perspective of God's goodness when you study the Bible. 

The flexcover journal is decorated with a pleasant garden scene. A lead-colored blue spine breaks up the design that stretches over the front and back covers. The sentiment is taken from the well-known Psalm 23 and is foiled in black and displayed in clear lettering.

 Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life. 
Psalm 23:6 

The heavy-duty cardstock cover is accented with UV varnish to create a light sheen and add dimension to the design. A presentation page in the front of the journal lets you dedicate it to a friend by adding a name and a date. An additional Scripture verse is included on this page. 

 The joy of the LORD is your strength. 
 Nehemiah 8:10 

Each of the 128 pages is lined and features a Scripture verse. The light weight and handy size make it the perfect journal to fit into a handbag. 

The Goodness and Love Flexcover Journal is an affordable gift that is easy to give to a friend, mom, or sister as a birthday gift. Keep a selection of flexcover journals on hand to give to friends whenever the opportunity arises. You may also wish to pair it with coordinating items like a pen and mug to create a themed gift. The Goodness and Love Flexcover Journal shares the positive message of God's goodness and grace - and that is a gift worth sharing.  

  • Garden scene cover design 
  • Heavy-duty card stock cover 
  • Foil title accents 
  • UV spot varnish 
  • 128 lined pages Scripture on each page 
  • Presentation page for gift-giving 
  • Size: 8.5” x 5.4” x 0.4” (210 x 137 x 10 mm)

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JL 535 Notisbok Flexicover - Goodness & Love JL 535 Notisbok Flexicover - Goodness & Love CAG

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