Inneholder 24 kort for å fange babyens første milepæler. Baksiden av kortet inneholder et utvalgt


  • MSC 004 Produktnummer
  • CAG Leverandør
  • Boks Format
  • 2021 Produksjonsår
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Inneholder 24 kort for å fange babyens første milepæler. Baksiden av kortet inneholder et utvalgt

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Veil.pris: 198 NOK

Tilbudspris: 99 NOK

Du sparer: 99 NOK

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My Baby Boy's Milestone Cards offer 24 unique milestone cards to capture your baby boy’s first year in a truly memorable way.  

24 Double-sided keepsake cards with adorable illustrations will capture memorable moments of your precious baby’s first year. Scripture verses and prayers are interspersed on the cards, along with a space to add a date and notes. 

These delightful cards make great photo props to capture development and special milestones. We all want Instagram worthy pictures but real life is fast and messy. These little cards will add that special touch to your memories when your hands are too full, life is too busy, and time is too precious to spend on editing photos. Add a box of 24 My Baby Boy's Milestone Cards to a baby shower gift, or better yet, pair it with the My Baby Boys First Year Memory Book for a complete gift any mother will adore.

  • 24 Double-sided Cards 
  • Full-color Cards 
  • Sturdy Box with Lid 
  • Box Size: 6.50" x 4.49" x 1.34"(165 x 114 x 34 mm) 
  • Card Size: 6"x 4" (150mm x 100mm)

Hva synes du om dette produktet?

MUG 950 Kopp - Be Strong & Courageous (Joshua 1:9)

Veil.pris: 299 NOK

Tilbudspris: 199 NOK

Du sparer: 100 NOK

BBL 667 Bibeltrekk Large, Faux Leather Floral - I KNow The Plans

Veil.pris: 499 NOK

Tilbudspris: 399 NOK

Du sparer: 100 NOK

GS 331 Gavesett - Mom You Are Loved - Notisbok + Kopp

Skriv din egen livshistorie! Har du noen gang hatt lyst til å skrive ned historien om ditt eget liv?
Eller har du ønsket at noen du er glad i hadde gjort det? Alle mennesker burde skrive ned
om sitt eget liv, og her er boken som kan hjelpe deg på vei. Gjennom å svare på spørsmålene
stiller, kan du på en enkel måte få din egen livshistorie ned på papir. 

JL 535 Notisbok Flexicover - Goodness & Love

Goodness and Love Flexcover Journal - Psalm 23:6 

MUG 643 Kopp - Cultivate Kindness

Veil.pris: 249 NOK

Tilbudspris: 149 NOK

Du sparer: 100 NOK

BBL 768 His Mercies Are New Dark Amethyst Purple Fashion Bible Cover - (Lam. 3:22-23)

Veil.pris: 499 NOK

Tilbudspris: 399 NOK

Du sparer: 100 NOK

BBM 661 Bibeltrekk Polyester - Be Still & Know Ps. 46:10

Veil.pris: 299 NOK

Tilbudspris: 198 NOK

Du sparer: 101 NOK

BBL 600 Bibeltrekk - Deeply Rooted in God's Love (Large)

Veil.pris: 299 NOK

Tilbudspris: 199 NOK

Du sparer: 100 NOK

GBA 213 Gavepose - To Mom With Love (200 x 120 x 245 mm)

Veil.pris: 55 NOK

Tilbudspris: 39 NOK

Du sparer: 16 NOK

DEV 112 Andaktsbok Luxleather med glidelås - Great Is His Faithfulness

365 Inspiring Devotions on God's Unchanging Promises 

Veil.pris: 399 NOK

Tilbudspris: 299 NOK

Du sparer: 100 NOK

JL 537 Notisbok Flexicover - Be Still & Know

Be Still & Know Flexcover Journal - Psalm 46:10 

PCST 255 Fargeblyanter - Artist Quality (12 stk)

Veritas Coloring Pencils in Cylinder - Set of 12 

Magnetiske Bokmerker - Succulent Garden (6 pk)

Succulent Garden Magnetic Bookmark Set 

GBA 329 Bag Set - May His Face Shine Upon You Teal Large Landscape Gift Bag - Numb. 6:24

Delikat gavepose med kort og ark. 

Veil.pris: 149 NOK

Tilbudspris: 98 NOK

Du sparer: 51 NOK

BBM 615 Bibeltrekk Grå Polyetser Medium - Fish Badge

Veil.pris: 259 NOK

Tilbudspris: 198 NOK

Du sparer: 61 NOK

BBM 619 Bibeltrekk Polyetser - Lilla m/fisk (Medium)

Veil.pris: 259 NOK

Tilbudspris: 198 NOK

Du sparer: 61 NOK

SMUG 174 Reisekopp - Teach Inspire Motivate (480ml)

Veil.pris: 299 NOK

Tilbudspris: 99 NOK

Du sparer: 200 NOK

TIN 012 Oppskriftboks - Thankful, Grateful, Blessed

Veil.pris: 199 NOK

Tilbudspris: 99 NOK

Du sparer: 100 NOK

BKL 013 LED Boklys Clip On - Grace Upon Grace

Grace Upon Grace Purple Adjustable Clip-on Book Light 

GBA 361 Bag Set - Through Christ Fluted Iris Brown and Pink Large Landscape Gift Bag with Card - Phil. 4:13

Delikat gavepose med kort og ark. 

Veil.pris: 149 NOK

Tilbudspris: 98 NOK

Du sparer: 51 NOK

GST 40 Wedding Guest Book - Always & Forever

Always and Forever Medium White and Gold Faux Leather Wedding Guest Book 

GBA 330 Bag Set - The LORD Delights in You Large Landscape Gift Bag - Isaiah 62:4

Delikat gavepose med kort, konvolutt og ark. 

Veil.pris: 149 NOK

Tilbudspris: 98 NOK

Du sparer: 51 NOK

GBH 211 Liten Gavepose - May Your Day Be Blessed

May your day be blessed - Størelse 136x70x170 mm 

Veil.pris: 55 NOK

Tilbudspris: 39 NOK

Du sparer: 16 NOK

GBA 329 Bag Set - May His Face Shine Upon You Teal Large Landscape Gift Bag - Numb. 6:24

Delikat gavepose med kort og ark. 

Veil.pris: 149 NOK

Tilbudspris: 98 NOK

Du sparer: 51 NOK

MSC 001 Boxed Milestone Baby Shower Cards - My Baby Girl's Milestones

Inneholder 24 kort for å fange babyens første milepæler. Baksiden av kortet inneholder et utvalgt


Veil.pris: 198 NOK

Tilbudspris: 99 NOK

Du sparer: 99 NOK

BKL 012 LED Boklys Clip On - For I Know The Plans

I Know the Plans Black Adjustable Clip-on Book Light - Jeremiah 29:11 

Tattoo - I Love JC

Veil.pris: 19 NOK

Tilbudspris: 10 NOK

Du sparer: 9 NOK

BKL 014 LED Boklys Clip On - With God All Things Are Possible

With God All Things Are Possible Blue Adjustable Clip-on Book Light - Matthew 16:26 

Magnetisk Memoblokk - Dog

Veil.pris: 29 NOK

Tilbudspris: 10 NOK

Du sparer: 19 NOK

GBA 213 Gavepose - To Mom With Love (200 x 120 x 245 mm)

Veil.pris: 55 NOK

Tilbudspris: 39 NOK

Du sparer: 16 NOK

GBA 224 Gavepose - Let All You Do Be Done In Love (200 x 120 x 245 mm)

Veil.pris: 55 NOK

Tilbudspris: 25 NOK

Du sparer: 30 NOK

Deksel til iPhone SE/ 5/5s - Be Strong

Veil.pris: 159 NOK

Tilbudspris: 39 NOK

Du sparer: 120 NOK

GBA 220 Gavepose - Best Dad Ever (Medium Size: 200 x 120 x 245mm)

Veil.pris: 55 NOK

Tilbudspris: 25 NOK

Du sparer: 30 NOK

Handlenett - With God All Things Are Possible

Veil.pris: 98 NOK

Tilbudspris: 59 NOK

Du sparer: 39 NOK


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MSC 004 Boxed Milestone Baby Shower Cards - My Baby Boy's Milestones MSC 004 Boxed Milestone Baby Shower Cards - My Baby Boy's Milestones CAG

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