Delikat gavepose med kort og ark.

  • 1220000139480 EAN
  • GBA 329 Produktnummer
  • CAG Leverandør
  • Stk Format
  • 2024 Produksjonsår
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Delikat gavepose med kort og ark.
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Veil.pris: 149 NOK

Tilbudspris: 98 NOK

Du sparer: 51 NOK

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Pair your well-chosen gift with an ancient priestly blessing when you wrap it in the May His Face Shine Upon You Teal Large Landscape Gift Bag with Card Set.  This 3-piece gift bag set has everything you need to create a beautiful presentation.

A thin white line separates a lighter teal top and a darker teal bottom on all four panels of this gift bag. Suspended in the middle is a white square, outlined in light gray, that is surrounded by pastel-colored watercolor flowers. The white square frame holds the sentiment that is presented in deep teal-blue-foiled scripted letters.

May the LORD make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you. 
 Numbers 6:24

Two sheets of white tissue paper that match the white satin ribbon handles are included. The included card is a deep fuchsia pink with a watermarked tone-on-tone floral design that is blank inside and paired with a deep fuchsia pink envelope. The first part of the priestly blessing is scripted in white UV-embossed lettering on the front of the card.

The LORD bless you and keep you. 
 Numbers 6:24


With its large landscape size and design, this bag is a good size for fitting a soft robe and slippers, a tablecloth and napkins, or a selection of books. 

 The May His Face Shine Upon You Teal Large Landscape Gift Bag with Card Set is part of the Bless You and Keep You Collection that includes a wirebound journal, ceramic mug, and writing pad and envelope set.

Share a beautiful gift and the ancient blessing with a dear friend or sister when you wrap her gift in the May His Face Shine Upon You Teal Large Landscape Gift Bag.

  • Pink floral design 
  • Teal-foiled text
  • May the LORD make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you. 
  • Numbers 6:24 
  • Bless You and Keep You Collection 
  • Large landscape gift bag 
  • White satin ribbon handles 
  • Two sheets of white tissue paper included 
  • Coordinating fuchsia pink blank card
  • UV-embossed text
  • May the Lord bless you and keep you
  • Numbers 6:24
  • Fuchsia pink envelope included 
  • Card size: 6" x 4" (152 x 102mm) 
  • Gift bag size: 12.5" x 10" x 3.9" (318 x 254 x 99 mm)

Hva synes du om dette produktet?

MSC 001 Boxed Milestone Baby Shower Cards - My Baby Girl's Milestones

Inneholder 24 kort for å fange babyens første milepæler. Baksiden av kortet inneholder et utvalgt


Veil.pris: 198 NOK

Tilbudspris: 99 NOK

Du sparer: 99 NOK

PPL 007 Paifat / Fat - Give Thanks

Veil.pris: 399 NOK

Tilbudspris: 149 NOK

Du sparer: 250 NOK

MUG 510 Kopp - The World's Greatest Teacher

Veil.pris: 159 NOK

Tilbudspris: 59 NOK

Du sparer: 100 NOK

Magnetiske Bokmerker - Pink Roses (6 pk)

Pink Roses Magnetic Bookmark Set 

KMO 076 Nøkkelring i etui - I Love You Mom

I Love You, Mom Key Ring in Tin - Proverbs 31:29 

TIN 018 Bibelboks i Tinn - Joy In His Presence

Veil.pris: 298 NOK

Tilbudspris: 198 NOK

Du sparer: 100 NOK

BBXL 722 Bibeltrekk Luxleather - Be Still & Know (XL-størrelse)

Veil.pris: 499 NOK

Tilbudspris: 399 NOK

Du sparer: 100 NOK

MUG 942 Kopp - Sister Pink Floral Ceramic Coffee Mug - Proverbs 31:29

Veil.pris: 249 NOK

Tilbudspris: 179 NOK

Du sparer: 70 NOK

BBM 733 Bibeltrekk (Medium) - The Lord Is My Strength And My Salvation

Veil.pris: 299 NOK

Tilbudspris: 198 NOK

Du sparer: 101 NOK

Magnetiske Bokmerker - Let It Bee (6 pk)

Let It Bee Magnetic Bookmark Set 

CVS 012 Bønneboks - Prayers For My Daughter

Prayers For My Daughter Boxed Card Set

TIN 027 Bibelboks i tinn - Love Notes For Mom

Love Notes for Mom Scripture Cards in a Tin 

Bomerker 10 pk - Give Thanks To The Lord

Give Thanks to the LORD Sunday School/Teacher Bookmark Set - Psalm 107:4 

GS 331 Gavesett - Mom You Are Loved - Notisbok + Kopp

Skriv din egen livshistorie! Har du noen gang hatt lyst til å skrive ned historien om ditt eget liv?
Eller har du ønsket at noen du er glad i hadde gjort det? Alle mennesker burde skrive ned
om sitt eget liv, og her er boken som kan hjelpe deg på vei. Gjennom å svare på spørsmålene
stiller, kan du på en enkel måte få din egen livshistorie ned på papir. 

BBL 768 His Mercies Are New Dark Amethyst Purple Fashion Bible Cover - (Lam. 3:22-23)

Veil.pris: 499 NOK

Tilbudspris: 399 NOK

Du sparer: 100 NOK

CVS 021 Boxed Coloring Cards - When You Lose Someone You Love

When You Lose Someone You Love Cards To Color And Comfort


Veil.pris: 149 NOK

Tilbudspris: 59 NOK

Du sparer: 90 NOK

Bokmerke Kors - The Lord Is My Strength

The Lord is My Strength Cross Bookmark Set - Exodus 15:2 

GBA 213 Gavepose - To Mom With Love (200 x 120 x 245 mm)

Veil.pris: 55 NOK

Tilbudspris: 39 NOK

Du sparer: 16 NOK

MUG 772 Kopp - I Know The Plans I Have For You

Veil.pris: 249 NOK

Tilbudspris: 179 NOK

Du sparer: 70 NOK

BBL 474 Bibeltrekk Sort Polyester - Fish Tag (Large)

Veil.pris: 259 NOK

Tilbudspris: 198 NOK

Du sparer: 61 NOK

Magnetisk Memoblokk - Dog

Veil.pris: 29 NOK

Tilbudspris: 10 NOK

Du sparer: 19 NOK

GBA 224 Gavepose - Let All You Do Be Done In Love (200 x 120 x 245 mm)

Veil.pris: 55 NOK

Tilbudspris: 25 NOK

Du sparer: 30 NOK

GST 40 Wedding Guest Book - Always & Forever

Always and Forever Medium White and Gold Faux Leather Wedding Guest Book 

Tattoo - I Love JC

Veil.pris: 19 NOK

Tilbudspris: 10 NOK

Du sparer: 9 NOK

GBA 361 Bag Set - Through Christ Fluted Iris Brown and Pink Large Landscape Gift Bag with Card - Phil. 4:13

Delikat gavepose med kort og ark. 

Veil.pris: 149 NOK

Tilbudspris: 98 NOK

Du sparer: 51 NOK

GBH 211 Liten Gavepose - May Your Day Be Blessed

May your day be blessed - Størelse 136x70x170 mm 

Veil.pris: 55 NOK

Tilbudspris: 39 NOK

Du sparer: 16 NOK

BKL 012 LED Boklys Clip On - For I Know The Plans

I Know the Plans Black Adjustable Clip-on Book Light - Jeremiah 29:11 

Deksel til iPhone SE/ 5/5s - Be Strong

Veil.pris: 159 NOK

Tilbudspris: 39 NOK

Du sparer: 120 NOK

BKL 014 LED Boklys Clip On - With God All Things Are Possible

With God All Things Are Possible Blue Adjustable Clip-on Book Light - Matthew 16:26 

GBA 220 Gavepose - Best Dad Ever (Medium Size: 200 x 120 x 245mm)

Veil.pris: 55 NOK

Tilbudspris: 25 NOK

Du sparer: 30 NOK

TIN 012 Oppskriftboks - Thankful, Grateful, Blessed

Veil.pris: 199 NOK

Tilbudspris: 99 NOK

Du sparer: 100 NOK

GBA 213 Gavepose - To Mom With Love (200 x 120 x 245 mm)

Veil.pris: 55 NOK

Tilbudspris: 39 NOK

Du sparer: 16 NOK

Handlenett - With God All Things Are Possible

Veil.pris: 98 NOK

Tilbudspris: 59 NOK

Du sparer: 39 NOK

MSC 001 Boxed Milestone Baby Shower Cards - My Baby Girl's Milestones

Inneholder 24 kort for å fange babyens første milepæler. Baksiden av kortet inneholder et utvalgt


Veil.pris: 198 NOK

Tilbudspris: 99 NOK

Du sparer: 99 NOK

MSC 004 Boxed Milestone Baby Shower Cards - My Baby Boy's Milestones

Inneholder 24 kort for å fange babyens første milepæler. Baksiden av kortet inneholder et utvalgt


Veil.pris: 198 NOK

Tilbudspris: 99 NOK

Du sparer: 99 NOK

BKL 013 LED Boklys Clip On - Grace Upon Grace

Grace Upon Grace Purple Adjustable Clip-on Book Light 

GBA 330 Bag Set - The LORD Delights in You Large Landscape Gift Bag - Isaiah 62:4

Delikat gavepose med kort, konvolutt og ark. 

Veil.pris: 149 NOK

Tilbudspris: 98 NOK

Du sparer: 51 NOK


×Tips en venn

GBA 329 Bag Set - May His Face Shine Upon You Teal Large Landscape Gift Bag - Numb. 6:24 GBA 329 Bag Set - May His Face Shine Upon You Teal Large Landscape Gift Bag - Numb. 6:24 CAG

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