• BBS 619 Produktnummer
  • CAG Leverandør
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  • 2017 Produksjonsår
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Veil.pris: 259 NOK

Tilbudspris: 198 NOK

Du sparer: 61 NOK

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Whether you’re toting your Bible to church, small group or a coffee date with a friend, protect it with the Jesus Fish Bible Cover, which features the Christian fish symbol of Jesus Christ. The fish appliqué is neatly stitched on a solid blue, poly canvas material and includes an external zipper with a cross engraved zipper pull, lay-flat spine handle, back zipper slip pocket and 1 pen loop inside. 

Fits Bibles up to 160 x 240 x 38 mm

Hva synes du om dette produktet?

PCST 236 Bibelmarkør-blyanter m/blyantspisser (4 pk)

Flotte og miljøvennlige bibelmarkører. 

BBM 619 Bibeltrekk Polyetser - Lilla m/fisk (Medium)

Veil.pris: 259 NOK

Tilbudspris: 198 NOK

Du sparer: 61 NOK

BBM 539 Bibeltrekk Luxleather - With God All Things Are Possible

Veil.pris: 399 NOK

Tilbudspris: 299 NOK

Du sparer: 100 NOK

TIN 018 Bibelboks i Tinn - Joy In His Presence

Veil.pris: 298 NOK

Tilbudspris: 198 NOK

Du sparer: 100 NOK

BKL 013 LED Boklys Clip On - Grace Upon Grace

Grace Upon Grace Purple Adjustable Clip-on Book Light 

GBA 330 Bag Set - The LORD Delights in You Large Landscape Gift Bag - Isaiah 62:4

Delikat gavepose med kort, konvolutt og ark. 

Veil.pris: 149 NOK

Tilbudspris: 98 NOK

Du sparer: 51 NOK

SMUG 174 Reisekopp - Teach Inspire Motivate (480ml)

Veil.pris: 299 NOK

Tilbudspris: 99 NOK

Du sparer: 200 NOK

Servietter - Peace On Earth (20 pk)

Veil.pris: 29 NOK

Tilbudspris: 5 NOK

Du sparer: 24 NOK

Bokmerke Kors - The Lord Is My Strength

The Lord is My Strength Cross Bookmark Set - Exodus 15:2 

TIN 012 Oppskriftboks - Thankful, Grateful, Blessed

Veil.pris: 199 NOK

Tilbudspris: 99 NOK

Du sparer: 100 NOK

BKL 012 LED Boklys Clip On - For I Know The Plans

I Know the Plans Black Adjustable Clip-on Book Light - Jeremiah 29:11 

GBA 220 Gavepose - Best Dad Ever (Medium Size: 200 x 120 x 245mm)

Veil.pris: 55 NOK

Tilbudspris: 25 NOK

Du sparer: 30 NOK

BBL 474 Bibeltrekk Sort Polyester - Fish Tag (Large)

Veil.pris: 259 NOK

Tilbudspris: 198 NOK

Du sparer: 61 NOK

GBA 329 Bag Set - May His Face Shine Upon You Teal Large Landscape Gift Bag - Numb. 6:24

Delikat gavepose med kort og ark. 

Veil.pris: 149 NOK

Tilbudspris: 98 NOK

Du sparer: 51 NOK

DEV 112 Andaktsbok Luxleather med glidelås - Great Is His Faithfulness

365 Inspiring Devotions on God's Unchanging Promises 

Veil.pris: 399 NOK

Tilbudspris: 299 NOK

Du sparer: 100 NOK

MUG 647 Kopp - Kindness Matters

Veil.pris: 199 NOK

Tilbudspris: 99 NOK

Du sparer: 100 NOK

MUG 1014 Kopp - More Precious than Rubies Pink Floral Ceramic Coffee Mug - Prov. 31:10

Veil.pris: 249 NOK

Tilbudspris: 179 NOK

Du sparer: 70 NOK

Bokmerke Kors - Soar On Wings Like Eagles

Soar Cross Bookmark - Isaiah 40:31 


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BBS 619 Bibeltrekk Polyester- Lilla m/fisk (Small) BBS 619 Bibeltrekk Polyester- Lilla m/fisk (Small) CAG

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