The Ultimate Bible Atlas is the perfect tool for those who are beginning to study the Bible. Featured are more than 300 maps, charts, photos, and biblical reconstructions illuminating the geographical context of key biblical places and topics.
This resource packs an amazing amount of information about the physical context of biblical events, including:
Abraham's journeys
The miraculous deliverance of Israel from Egypt under Moses' leadership
Joshua's conquest of Canaan
David's uniting Israel as one nation
The division of the Kingdom after the death of Solomon
The Babylonian Exile
Jesus' birth and childhood
Jesus' ministry in Judea, Galilee, and Perea
A day-by-day account of Passion Week in Jerusalem
The expansion of the early church
Paul's missionary journey
The optimal size of the Ultimate Bible Atlas makes it easy-to-carry and easy-to-use in personal study or group activities. This valuable resource will enhance your understanding of the places, objects, and events in the Bible for years to come.