• 9780310318576 Produktnummer
  • Zondervan Leverandør
  • Bok Format
  • 2014 Produksjonsår
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An up-close, comprehensive, and colorful atlas that allows you to travel to the lands where Jesus walked, Moses traveled, and Paul preached.

Discover everything you need to know about the lands of the Bible. Packed with multidimensional maps, photos, diagrams, and charts; the Zondervan Essential Atlas of the Bible is designed to help you better understand the history and places of the Bible and its world.

This full-color atlas is concise but thorough, perfect for Bible students, travelers to the Holy Land, or any reader of the Bible curious to find out more about commonly mentioned places in the Old and New Testaments.

The Zondervan Essential Atlas of the Bible features:

  • Nearly 200 stunning multidimensional and three-dimensional maps and full-color images.
  • Accurate and up-to-date mapping technologies.
  • Innovative chronological charts and maps covering historical backgrounds, regions, weather, and roads.

With this easy-to-understand atlas, you'll find Bible study more engaging and comprehensible, and you'll learn key contextual facts about these historically and spiritually rich places.

Forfatter: Carl G. Rasmussen
ISBN: 9780310318576
Språk: Engelsk
Vekt: 480 gram
Utgitt: 2014-02-11
Forlag: Zondervan
Antall sider: 160



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Carl G. Rasmussen - Essential Atlas Of The Bible Carl G. Rasmussen - Essential Atlas Of The Bible Zondervan

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