• 196587965129 Produktnummer
  • CD Format
  • 2023 Utgivelsesår
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The unmistakable voice of Whitney Houston is powerful and timeless. She reached the pinnacle of pop success becoming one of the most accomplished recording artists of all time. But her heart was always in Gospel music, and it profoundly influenced her life and career. This 14-track album captures her Gospel music journey, featuring 6 never-before-released songs. This recording gives a glimpse of the deep faith behind the voice that continues to uplift and impact countless lives around the world.
  1. I Go To The Rock (With The Georgia Mass Choir)
  2. Jesus Loves Me
  3. He Can Use Me
  4. Joy To The World (With The Georgia Mass Choir)
  5. Bridge Over Troubled Water (With Cece Winans) (LIVE VH1 Honors – June 22, 1995)
  6. Testimony
  7. I Look To You
  8. His Eye Is On The Sparrow
  9. Hold On, Help Is On The Way (With The Georgia Mass Choir)
  10. This Day (LIVE VH1 Honors – June 22, 1995)
  11. I Found A Wonderful Way
  12. Joy (With The Georgia Mass Choir)
  13. I Love The Lord (With The Georgia Mass Choir)
  14. He/I Believe (Live At Yokohama Arena – January 2, 1990)

Hva synes du om dette produktet?

Southbound (USA-Import)

Fantastisk ny sangtrio som består av tre lovsangsledere som tar USA med storm! 

My Saviour CD (USA-Import)

Veil.pris: 199 NOK

Tilbudspris: 149 NOK

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Turn Off The Lesser Lights

Inneholder "How Big Small Can Be" 

Högt Spel

Back to the 80's 

Total Freedom

Sjelfull og slepen gospel 

Where No One Stands Alone (CD USA-Import)

Elvis gospel-klassikere i ny musikalsk innpakning og ny-pålagt koring som løfter sangene hans til nye

Jesus Music (CD USA-Import))

Veil.pris: 199 NOK

Tilbudspris: 149 NOK

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Elvis Norske Hits

Inneholder den berømte latterversjonen av \"Are You Lonesome Tonight\" fra 1969. 

Et Preget Sinn

Radikal hip-hop fra eks-kriminelle. 


NY CD i salg nå! 

Best Of

Inneholder hennes eminente versjon av Bob Dylans "Knocking On Heaven's Door", samt "You"
sammen med Lava. 

The Essential Bob Dylan

En meget god samleplate med hans beste og viktigste sanger. 

Alt Du Vil Ha

CD'en er litt brukt men covermaterialet er helt strøkent. 

Just Sing! - (USA-Import)

USAs mest populære sangfamilie kombinerer en sterk kristen formidling med fenomenale vokale

Rise Up - CD (USA-Import)

Inneholder Nr, 1-hiten: Rise Up (Lasaruz) 

Jesus Changed My Life (CD USA-Import)

Veil.pris: 199 NOK

Tilbudspris: 149 NOK

Du sparer: 50 NOK


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I Go To The Rock - The Gospel Music Of Whitney Houston I Go To The Rock - The Gospel Music Of Whitney Houston Whitney Houston

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