• 9780736975667 Produktnummer
  • Tony Evans Leverandør
  • Bok Format
  • 2020 Produksjonsår
  • Legg til Se alle0Anmeldelser
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Follow in the Footsteps of Your Savior.

If you’ve ever wanted to walk the streets Jesus trod or hike the hills He travelled, you can now do so… and discover the Holy Land like never before.

Explore the Holy Land from wherever you are in Experiencing Israelwith Dr. Tony EvansThis guided tour of key locations in the Bible reveals the historical and spiritual significance of each place.

As you see Israel up close through the pages of this book, you will…

  • gain a deeper understanding of the events of the Bible through the geography, history, and people of the land
  • gather insights that enrich your knowledge of God’s Word and build on the spiritual foundations of your faith
  • feel as if you are there as you view the stunning, full-color photography throughout
  • find practical applications that bring the world of the Bible into your life today

Whether for the first time, or all over again, take your faith journey deeper…with Experiencing Israel.

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Experiencing Israel - Walking With Jesus In The Holy Land Experiencing Israel - Walking With Jesus In The Holy Land Tony Evans

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