• ISBN/EAN: 9781400320097 Produktnummer
  • Sarah Young Leverandør
  • Bok Format
  • 2012 Produksjonsår
  • Legg til Se alle0Anmeldelser

Veil.pris: 199 NOK

Tilbudspris: 149 NOK

Du sparer: 50 NOK

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Beloved missionary, Sarah Young, shares another deeply spiritual devotional to help readers grow in grace, hear from God, and walk with Jesus TodayTM. Her first book, the acclaimed bestseller, Jesus Calling, was born after years of writing in her prayer journal and feeling led to write down what she believed God was telling her. Gradually, her prayer journal turned from a monologue to a dialogue. Knowing that her writings were not inspired as Scripture is, this process still helped her grow closer in her walk with God. In Jesus TodayTM, readers will be renewed with a deeper sense of hope as Sarah shares this about her spiritual journey in writing the book: "When I began writing Jesus Today, I was deeply discouraged by the failure of many months of intensive medical treatment to improve my health. However, the longer I worked on the book--focusing on finding hope in Jesus--the more hop

Hva synes du om dette produktet?

Andaktsbok - Jesus Kaller på Deg

Godt brukt innbundet andaktsbok fra nylig avdøde Sara Young. Omslaget er slitt, men selve boka er
i god stand. 

DEV 112 Andaktsbok Luxleather med glidelås - Great Is His Faithfulness

365 Inspiring Devotions on God's Unchanging Promises 

Veil.pris: 349 NOK

Tilbudspris: 299 NOK

Du sparer: 50 NOK

DEV 092 Andaktsbok - A Gift Of Grace & Gratitude

Veil.pris: 198 NOK

Tilbudspris: 149 NOK

Du sparer: 49 NOK

DEV 142 Andaktsbok Luxleather m/glidelås - In Quietness and Trust

In Quietness and Trust Brown Zippered Faux Leather Daily Devotional


Veil.pris: 349 NOK

Tilbudspris: 299 NOK

Du sparer: 50 NOK

Andaktsbok - Words Of Jesus For Everyday Living

Veil.pris: 159 NOK

Tilbudspris: 99 NOK

Du sparer: 60 NOK

FRY 08 Gavebok - For You Mom...

Mothers are the heart of a home. 

Veil.pris: 99 NOK

Tilbudspris: 49 NOK

Du sparer: 50 NOK


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